10 Don’ts on Tinder in 2020

Tinder is a powerful dating app. Its number of users don’t stop growing up all around the globe. Although the service does exist for a significant amount of years now, some people are still doing huge mistakes. As any community, Tinder is regulated by its own unofficial rules, and if you do not know them, your experience will be a lot less significant.

Thibaut Carel
3 min readOct 26, 2020
  1. In 2020 Tinder gives you the possibility to share 9 photos, use them all. One of the most important things in the dating game is to reassure the person checking out your profile. We never know who we are talking with, especially online. We all have already been experienced fake profiles and we don’t want that, again, ever.
  2. As a consequence of the previous point fill in your bio. A blank bio means two things: you’re a lazy ass which isn’t the best face you wanna show on a dating app or you wanna play the mysterious card. If you’re in the second option, stop it right now it doesn’t work at all. Again, you’re not here to pretend a lost poet role you think very attractive, you’re only one in this game. You gotta show yourself, who you truly are.
  3. Don’t post photos with friends, especially if they are hotter than you. I don’t think an explanation is necessary here, but for a reason, I don’t really know it is still seen in 2020, yes …
  4. A bit like point number 3, don’t use filters or very lightly on very few photos. Once comes the date IRL, do you wanna surprise your beloved in a good way or in a bad way. Easy to answer I guess. Also, a person using filters that much tells a lot about a lack of self-confidence, which is a big deal in our modern society, but using those masks won’t help you out getting better, for sure.
  5. Be genuine. You cannot imagine the number of people saying: “I like Netflix, travel, and music”. It just says that you are literally a clone like billions of people, a pure product made out of a supermarket, and guess what you are not. You are truly unique, you have your own personality, those little details that make you special, find them, and focus on them.
  6. Don’t wait too much for meeting up IRL unless your subconscious will create a fake persona based on the photos you have seen and your chattings. Even if they are great they’re obviously things you will understand only by seeing your date face to face.
  7. Get your account certified. The app lets you this possibility, it is easy, fast and even if you still can fake it (as everything in life), it gets a little more authenticity to your profile. In opposition, a non-certified profile appeared as suspicious in 2020.
  8. Emojis are cool, yes, but stop writing out your whole bio in emojis, it’s everything but cool! The only thing that you get using that method is no one will read it cause it is unreadable as fuck, so it is more or less as you had no bio, and we all know a no bio is part of the don’ts.
  9. Stop acting like a fucking freak, meaning no you won’t ask for any phone number, email, socials, or whatever personal in the first 10 messages, at least!
  10. Let’s talk about photos, again? Yes! As IRL, it is the first impression you get from someone, so yes it is important. The last but not least advice will be: use photos that really look-alike you, meaning recent ones. We all are getting old and fat or whatever and that’s okay but this is not okay to get stuck in an image you don’t fit in anymore. Start loving yourself, then the others will do.

“Dating is about finding out who you are and who others are. If you show up in a masquerade outfit, neither is going to happen.”

-Henry Cloud

To be continued 😉

